When the English needed at present. Many people would want to practice speaking English everyday. But sometimes sense words speechless or knows the word? Now everyone must use. We can learn English have many ways, and this is the apps. Learning English in a new simple, cute cartoon image The assembly, suitable for everyone to learn English vocabulary in English and English in daily routines, we can learn. English sentences through this application by offline, not on the Internet free English class, suitable for children in kindergarten by learning English. Primary 1 grade 2 grade 3 grade 5 grade 5 grade 6 has a visual and sound effects. This application can make learning English easier to learn everyone, anytime.The contents in this application to practice speaking English, listening to English, read English consists simple can can learn anywhere. Very convenient. We practice speaking practice reading practice, English writing, for yourself, without the costs. This app is free, this class is studying. Basic English, we can talk in English with foreigners easily understand. Listen to English correctly. This conversation's dialogue. English, easy to understand, suitable for both girls and boys, or suitable for everyone in the family, here is a school to teach English. Moving, comfortable and free conversation, conversation in English are available. For teacher to pupil. Practice speaking practice writing, reading a sentence used in daily routine since I woke up, the dialogue was the simple sound assembly by US press images at the speaker. There will be sound to listen to and learn. Which these sentences we can be adapted with speech or our conversations, of course, studying at the firm. Will help you improve English skills by the target truly.Don't forget to come and help share the social network such as Facebook line twitter to help friends, learn together. Learn English sentences carefully.